
New and useful from the traffic scene!

– Safedrive Pro has saved me from colliding with wildlife countless times, says Bjørn "Budde" Lillebekk, Sales Manager at Scan Sørlie AS.
Companies with employees on the road are vulnerable to unwanted situations in traffic. For these businesses, Safedrive Pro can be a safe investment.
Kent Sørensen has safety as his profession. He finds Safedrive Pro to be very useful when Elite Sikkerhet employees are driving.
If you talk on a handheld mobile phone in the car, you may risk a hefty fine and three penalty points on your driver's license.
The new rates will have a significant impact on your wallet. Exceeding the speed limit by 36-40 km/h now results in a fine of NOK 11,600.
From March 1, prices for illegal phone use in the car have increased by a whopping 49 percent, but what is considered illegal use?
For the seventh year in a row, Vikingtreffet was held on the slopes of Golsfjellet. Safedrive was present all weekend to observe and participate in fun and games with small and large vehicles.
A new hazard warning feature, increased turnover, and celebrity visits were among the highlights for the Namsos-based company in 2021.
In Norway, 8 out of 10 drivers drive above the speed limit, and every year more than 100,000 Norwegian drivers are caught in speed controls. In addition, several thousand lose their driver's license. But what is it really like to be stopped by the National Road Policing Service?
During the autumn months, the number of collisions with animals along the roads dramatically increases. Statistics indicate that wildlife collisions nearly double from the spring and summer months to the autumn and winter months. But what should you do if you injure or encounter an injured animal?
The autumn holidays is just around the corner, which for many of us means road trips to the cabin, the mountains, or to visit family. Here are our tips for a safer autumn excursion!
It didn't take long for the Safedrive Pro traffic alarm to become a companion for many drivers. More than 70,000 cars are now equipped with the device!
After a January with a log full of worrying reports of reckless driving, the police are fed up. Now, they are taking action in collaboration with Safedrive and NMK Namdal - in the hope of curbing uncivil behavior.

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